The most comprehensive program on

How To Build A
Digital LandLord
Agency (NDLA)

Join our brand new, step-by-step mentorship program and learn everything you need to launch and scale a wildly profitable agency today.

Step By Step 
Over The Shoulder Videos to Teach You Every Thing

Beginner & Expert Friendly

Learn At Your Own Pace

Complete Online Curriculum

One Program No Upsells,

Don't waste your time and money on courses withholding information from you.

My Pledge

It’s my ongoing mission to help aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve success that flows freely in abundance. That’s what defines ProfitAdAgency.

No matter where you are right now, you are able to make change. Your life is controlled by the actions that you take.

The Academy offers a proven system that has already helped its students with no previous experience…

We’re not for everyone – just those that are ready to commit, to take action and put in the work.

So, if working with true professionals appeals to you and you want change in your current situation than Join New Digital LandLord Authority Today!

Here is Every Thing You Are Getting Access To

But I Don't Stop Here Because I Know You Need Help... That's Why You are Also Getting Instant Access To...

"The Digital LandLord Academy"

This is Where We’ll be Holding your Hand and Guiding You Through The Entire Process & Answer Your Burning Questions...


Join The New Digital LandLord Authority Program And I am Also Giving You Exclusive Access to The Following Bonuses to Celebrate the Launch of New Digital LandLord Authority Program..  

Client Induction System
“Ever Wonder How Big Agencies Create The Automation System For Their Clients and Get them Leads & Sales On Demand…Well In This Bonus Training This Exactly I Will be Teaching You Step By Step
Once You Learn This Technique You Will be Unstoppable  🙂

 Copy Writing 101
“Most People Think that Copy Writing is Hard …In This Bonus Training Video I Will show You How Easy and Fun to Write PowerFul Ads For Your Clients…

Advanced Ad Set Up
In This Bonus Training Video You are Going to Learn How to Craft an Advanced and Powerful Ad Campaign …After Watching This Video You Will have All the Knowledge and Technical Know How to Dominate Any Ad Campaign.. .

Powerful Targeting to Reach The Perfect Customer
Most People Create Campaign and Wonder Why They are Not Getting Any Sales or Leads…


This is Because they are Setting Their Target Audience Like Everyone Else, But In This Video I Will Show You a Secret Targeting Hack that will increase Your Conversion Super Fast

Protect Your Ad Account Once For All
Facebook Shuts Down Business Ad Accounts Left & Rights… and Some Time You are Just Small Mistake Away to Loose Your Precious Ad Account and Most Importantly Your Business..

I Realize The Problem is So Huge ..I needed to Do Something About it.. That’s Why I am Giving Away My Mini Course to Protect Your Business Ad Account …So You Can Create Profitable Campaigns For Your Business and For Your Clients Businesses with Extreme Confidence..That Will Give You The Competitive Edge Over Your Competition   

Ready to Launch Your Digital LandLord Agency?

As The Saying Goes...

“There Are Decades Where Nothing Happens; And There Are Weeks When Decades Happen”

Those Weeks of Change Are Happening RIGHT NOW!

You Are Just 1 Step Away Join Right Now!
New Digital LandLord Authority 99%

Join The New Digital LandLord
Academy Today

Lifetime Access to All Modules (30+ Personally delivered lessons)

New Lesson Added Every Week

Weekly Q&A’s Zoom Call With Shan

Plus Exclusive Launch Bonuses

Exclusive Access to Digital LandLord Academy

Free Access to Client Induction System

Engaging Copy Writing 101

Advanced Ads Set Up

Powerful Targeting Walk Through

Complete Baby Steps How to Protect Your Ad Account

Frequently Asked Questions

Will This Business Model Works Only in Pakistan or Internationally?

The Agency Business Works Any Where In The World , In Fact Start Your Agency in Pakistan and than Branch Out For International Clients..

I Can't Afford The Program What Are My Options?

This is a very Small Investment, Considering The Value and Practical Implementation of The Program, If You Don’t have investment Right Than I Will Suggest You to Wait Until You are Fully Ready and Prepare For The Program..

When Does The Course Start & Finish?

The Course Starts Now and ends When You have Completed All The Modules, It’s Completely Self-Paced Online Content and You have to watch each lesson in order before proceeding to the next    

How Long Do I Have Access To The Course?

After enrolling You Will have unlimited lifetime access to the course…

Full Price Rs:30,000 (84% off)

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In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end of our free training only if you’d like help our help to actually implement our tactics and strategies. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don’t want to speak together? 100% yes. Some people will take this training, implement it by themselves, and experience a breakthrough. Some people will see what’s possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It’s completely up to you but we hope that you’ll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Sadly, the average person who watches “how to” information webinars never takes any action and therefor gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will obviously vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT BUY THIS TRAINING.